
Cmon you caveman bastard

7.62. No socks. Got some blisters. Felt good.


For Proper Caveman Scheduling

Gotta go lunar. Its just a paleorule. http://stardate.org/nightsky/moon/

(credit for this idea generally from http://www.duncanlarkin.com/caveman.html)

He has no idea who I am.

Cd3 and the kindness of neighbors

Only 3.5, AM. But most of it was in a downpour. That's kind of caveman, right?

One of the the neighbors from next door (the severely mentally disabled neighbors) came and knocked on the door tonite and asked if I was ok because he hadn't seen me out on the porch much lately. This was the second time he has ever knocked on the door in the 4+ years I've lived here. It was also simultaneously heartwarming and heartbreaking.

Gracias, Cedric.
Cd2- 7/16 - 3.5am, 1.5pm



Today is Day 1 of caveman. We'll see how it goes.


Is there a doctor in the house?

Because Sheriff Gusman has clearly gone insane, stating, in reference to his jail's abysmal health care, "Although we've been through a lot, we are still providing great quality health care that exceeds community standards"


Well, at least one of you is.....

A Baton Rouge jury has sentenced the mentally retarded Michael Bell to death, which should provide for a lenghty and interesting appellate process.

According to Dr. Donald Hoppe, the entire courtroom is retarded, at least if you believe in logic. After determining the defendant had an IQ of 50 (well below the accepted standard for MR), Dr. Hoppe changes his mind based on the fact that Bell asked the jury some questions and presented an idiotic defense alleging a victim had shot the other 5, then herself.

Click here to see Dr. Hoope's recent smackdown in the 19th JDC.


It's about time

I'm glad to see this guy get busted. I don't much care about whether or not he was tipping off a drug user to a potential raid, because I don't much care about whether or not somebody uses drugs. But lying cops are bad, mmkay? Maybe he'll ultimately be acquitted of this one, but he sure aint an innocent.

I would say this makes me sick...

But that's not fair to the 300,000 men and women suffering from major depression or ptsd as a result of this mindless debacle in Iraq.



Mixed Feelings

The kid charged with murdering Dinneral Shavers has been acquitted. I've got mixed feelings about this. Clearly, our community suffered a geniune loss when Shavers died. On the other hand, knowing how the NOPD and the Orleans Parish DA works, I've absolutely no confidence that David Bonds was a legit suspect. I know both the defense attorneys involved (Boggs and Garvey) and I know they did a hell of a job representing their client. And I've got to hand it to the jurors who made what, to anyone who cares about this city and who cares about justice to the accused as well as the aggrieved, an agonizing decision.

Follow up, maybe....hopefully just sad coincidence